Brain Food: The Food a Child Needs the Most
Regular meals are critical for developing children and adolescents. A good diet is key to a child’s development, both mentally and physically. The world in which we now live has made it both easier and harder than ever to accomplish.
Access to food and education has never been higher before our time. The children of today have the greatest potential wealth our world has ever seen. But there’s also a lot of opposition. Obesity, inattention, inactivity, mood disorders are also more abundant than ever before, some a side effect of this prosperity. How does a parent combat this rising yet powerful tide?
A child’s most valuable asset is a clear and growing mind. Studies show that a child who has proper attention and love leads a far more happy and successful life. However, federal agencies, education unions, and big business want you to believe the odds are stacked against your young one. They have attention deficits or depression or identity issues. Any way that you can suppress creativity and mold a mindless servant, they will do it.
There’s plenty of hope. Believe in your child’s potential and do not immediately run to get prescriptions if you don’t understand their struggles. God placed each human here with a purpose and each has great engine of power. Sometimes, they just aren’t getting the right fuel.
That fuel is phosphatidylserine! You’ve maybe never heard of it but the molecule actually exists in most of your cells, providing several uses. Most importantly, it is a key building block for brain cells. It is composed of amino acids and fatty acids and works in conjunction with omega-3 to create healthy cell membranes.
Many health professionals default to drugs to fix behavioral issues- it’s more profitable and easier to advertise. A child’s mind is constantly changing. A baby actually has more neural connections than an adult and part of growing up is training the body which parts to use. Poor nutrition often leads to weaker brain cells, making this development process more difficult for the child. Most popular drugs for ADHD (a questionable condition that is surprisingly a very recent classification) are often just suppressants for symptoms, not an improvement solution.
Children need exercise, love, attention, purpose, discipline, and better brain cells! While there may be a few children out there, there’s absolutely no reason but MONEY that 11% of children are diagnosed with ADHD. Even the CDC has noted that the millions of children using Ritalin seems to be a “misuse” of the original purpose of the drug. Ritalin is chemically not very different from cocaine! COCAINE PEOPLE!
So how do you break a bad child without breaking bad? (We’re joking. Children are not inherently bad – Matthew 18:3)
First of all, consult a behavioral therapist and find out if there are habits in the home and at school that need to change as well as adding or subtracting activities and regiments into their life.
Next, check out Pedi-Active. It is not a NHC product but we treat it as a part of our supplement family. We’ve heard countless parents tell us improved behavior of their child with just adding this to their daily routine. It helps the body get the right amount of phosphatidylserine and assists in aiding other brain functions that give you a clearer and brighter mind.
Most of all, be mindful and prayerful about your child. A lot of Good can be done with God!