Bowel Health
What does it take to maintain a healthy digestion and elimination system? It may not be as hard or as expensive as you may think. Knowing how to maintain a healthy colon and normal elimination may change your life especially if you suffer from constipation, IBS, colitis, ulcers, gas, belching, bloating, polyps or tumors of the digestive system.
Why do so many Americans suffer from those disorders is the first question that should be answered. Knowing what causes any disorder can go a long way toward preventing them and even getting rid of them once they have occurred.
One of the main reasons for most of the digestive disorders is anti-biotics. The American Medical Association and the pharmaceutical industry push anti-biotics like a candy store pushes candy. In both cases they act like no matter how much sugar or anti-biotics you consume it is not going to do you any harm.
The fact is that anti-biotics kill both the necessary and the unnecessary bacteria. As the beneficial bacteria are destroyed you will begin developing disorders such as gas, bloating, belching and irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. The beneficial bacteria in your digestive system make up over 75% of your immune system.
Because the anti-biotic compromises your immune system you are more susceptible to bacteria, germs, viruses and even cancers. It is also a well-known fact that people who take the most anti-biotics also have the most allergies, sinus infections, ulcers, and cancers. When your immune system is compromised you are more susceptible to all kinds of disorders.
Another cause of digestive problems is Americas obsession with junk food. The average American consumes over 3 pounds of sugar each week or around 150 pounds a year, up from just 5 pounds a year in the year 1900. Eating too much sugar has been directly tied to many digestive disorders especially colitis and colon cancers obesity and hormonal imblance.
The average American woman should consume 25 grams and man 38 grams of fiber each day. Unfortunately, most Americans consume less than 15 grams a day on average. There are many issues that can result from too little fiber in your diet.
When you don’t consume enough fiber your colon health will decline. A lack of fiber can cause fecal matter to cake up on the lining of the small intestine and colon, which can lead to polyps, colitis, growths, cancers and digestive infections such as diverticulitis.
And finally, most Americans do not drink enough water. Colon health is dependent on water because it is the great detoxifier. Water also keeps your digestive system hydrated and cleanses the kidneys. When we don’t drink enough water constipation is usually the end result.
We have only scratched the surface when it comes to colon health because other problems are eating too much processed foods, drinking soft drinks of any type and even stress.
Natural Bowel Health
When it comes to maintaining digestive health there are some real giants in the nutritional industry, many that have been used for centuries without any negative side effects. Some of these supplements have become so popular that the people who use them swear by the positive results.
If you take or have taken an anti-biotic you need to take a really good pro-biotic, which has 7 or 8 strains of beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillis sporogenes, acidophillus, salivarius, bifidum, longum and ramamnosus. Many people take up to 15 billion of these live bacteria a day with amazing results.
When it comes to fiber you can choose to make fruits and vegetables half of each meal or you can supplement. There are some wonderful fiber supplements such as Flax Seed Meal, Psyllium Seed Husk, Apple Pectin, Senna Leaf Extract and Uva Ursi leaf.
For many people that complain with gas, bloating, belching and acid reflux, taking a digestive enzyme with each meal can make all the difference. Be sure to choose one that is of high quality and covers the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Americans must make a conscious decision to cut back on sugar consumption. Remember sugar weakens the immune system, causes obesity, forces the pancreas to work too hard and causes a lot of digestive disorders.
To help with constipation there is, in my opinion, no drug that comes close to Cascara Sagrada. This all-natural supplement has helped millions of people overcome a sluggish colon and constipation.
If you are suffering from digestive disorders start drinking at least one-half gallon of water each day, take a high quality pro-biotic, a really good digestive enzyme and fiber. It will not be long before you will be feeling much better.
Your friend in health,
Roy P. Williams