MSM Lotion in Motion- Real Results, Real Simple
Your skin is made up of collagen. It is a structural protein used in many of your organs but it’s famous for its role in skin and nails. You skin begins to wrinkle and dry as collagen levels drop with age. That’s why young people’s skin is flat and tight – they have higher levels of this protein.
Many people believe, I just need to reintroduce collagen to my body but there’s a fallacy in that notion. Collagen, like all other proteins, needs to be fed with nutrients. Long term collagen levels cannot just be replenished by more collagen if that protein is not receiving adequate supplementation. You see, our bodies aren’t just losing collagen with age, they are just getting worse at maintaining all the elements. And often age is less of a determinant than diet. You’ve seen plenty of older people with young skin. Some of this is hereditary but many of them are using diet and nutrition.
MSM, with the help of Vitamin C, can helps the body to build new tissue by normalizing collagen production. This combination improves the bonds between the skin cells, especially when applied directly to the areas needed, mainly skin lotion. By making the cells more permeable, it helps skin retain more water and “plump” up. Applying MSM and Vitamin C to the skin allows for higher collagen production- which your body naturally can do itself! Along with a few other nutrients, our MSM lotion is a perfect way to improve your skin health by fixing the factory of collagen rather than slapping on new coats of paint.