The Big Fat Lie
Like most other functions of the body, fat is stored in cells called adipocytes. Humans increase the number they have as they grow into adults. With proper diet, they usually do not gain more. Your body sheds about 10% of its adipocytes every year but it replaces them as well. By functional nature, fat cells are not bad but they have an incredible ability to store fatty tissue by expanding. Science is showing us that if you reach their capacity, the body will begin to produce more.
The simple solution for many who go way overweight is surgery. Liposuction is seen as a way to suck out fat cells. But if you don’t change your diet, your body can produce more adipocytes and start all over.
Another common solution is to get gastric bypass to decrease stomach capacity. Eating fatty foods will still make you fat, it will just take longer. Like always, much of the medical industry is looking for immediate results and billable surgeries. These strategies statistically don’t work well. Honest studies show that liposuction is not only ineffective but dangerous and causes your body to grow fat cells elsewhere. Gastric bypass is definitely more effective but countless people have voided its purpose by continuing a similar diet.
So what’s the lie? Fat and food need removed from you. That’s the lie! God gave us the earth and all that was in it. He intended for us to partake of all the earth provides in wisdom and good measure, never in excess. Why do you think that one of the deadly sins is gluttony? Because you are misusing the fruit of the earth, taking more than you need, and abusing the body you were given.
The solution is not to lose fat cells. The solution is to use them appropriately. Our nomadic ancestors did not have walmart. They ate from the crops and flocks, probably one or two meals per day. Our bodies simply aren’t designed to take in this much. They also were designed to eat fruits and grains and some meats. Sugar, alcohol, and spices – these were never intended for regular use. The temptation is the taste and the feeling.
Eat better. That’s your weight control plan. Cut out sugars, high salt content. Despite your religious beliefs or political standing, the quickest way to a beer belly is… beer! Short term fixes like surgery basically mean you have no long term commitment. Fat cells are natural, growing them is unnatural.
August 19, 2020 @ 5:07 pm
This crap should be banned! It is the biggest lie ever laid on the American public along with cholesterol is poison!! Be your own doctor do the research outside of the medical community these people are greedy out to make money and if you’re not sick they will make you sick all for profit!!! Mammograms colonoscopies all a lie! Eat well live a clean life and stay the hell away from doctors when possible you will be healthier for it!!!!