Type 2 Diabetes is Reversible!
Diabetes is a huge subject in America and fingers are pointing everywhere. In order to live long, healthy, and productive lives, you should understand what it is and how to avoid it. Because the statistical chances of you getting it are growing every year!
What is type 2 Diabetes?
Type two is a case of high blood glucose caused by insulin resistance. Insulin is the substance our body secretes to change glucose (sugar) into energy. As sugar itself it not supposed to enter the blood stream, insulin breaks it down into transferable units to spread through the blood. However, your body can only naturally produce so much insulin before sugar levels can exceed insulin supply which can lead to hyperglycemia.
Before the industrial sugar industry, most of our glucose came from fruits and carbohydrates in far smaller amounts. The body will experience health problems if it cannot balance out the level of glucose in your body.
While type 1 diabetes is for people who cannot produce it, type 2 diabetes patients can produce the insulin but their body becomes resistant to the effects. Most cases of this type are now being attributed to diet rather than age as younger and younger people are being diagnosed.
Diabetes Today
Diabetes as we know it today did not exist 200 years ago. Sugar and other sweet substances were an indulgence and not a part of every day food. In saying that, our bodies were not designed by science or God to consume the amount of calories that an average American intakes. Obesity is not a new problem to our society and there’s far more to it than being fat. The human body is a miraculous machine but is not a body of miracles. It cannot turn lead into gold, or piles of burgers into muscle. Like a classic car, great care can produce great results.
Diabetes is not a death sentence
If you have type 1 diabetes, modern medicine can help you supply your body with insulin. You’re going to be ok! If you have type 2, there’s a good chance this is your fault! Improper nutrition and lack of exercise over extended periods will produce adverse health conditions- that’s a fact.
But your doctor prescribing insulin is not a nail in your coffin. It’s a knock at your door to WAKE UP! You’re ruining your body. Drop the burger and shake and go eat a carrot. Be responsible! Scientist have found that keeping your calorie intake below 800 is more than enough to reverse type 2 diabetes. Supplementation such as Sugar Shocker helps your body through this transition as well, encouraging natural insulin production and kidney and vascular health.
We’ve had several customers reverse their diabetes with these exact behaviors- good nutrition, exercise and proper supplementation.