You Need To Know More Facts About Heart Disease
Dr. Mercola ask, is saturated fat really the health hazard it’s been made out to be? For 60 years we have been stressing that saturated fat (animal fat) is the cause of blockages and heart attack, the number one killer in the industrialized world.
For years I have been telling all of you that animal fat is not the real cause of heart disease. My grandmother lived to 96, my wife’s grandmother lived to be 99 and my dad is 95. Here are some things they all had in common. They cooked in lard most of their lives, ate all types of meat, drank raw milk and ate large amounts of eggs, butter and cheese. Not one of them died of heart attack or stroke.
In an article published in the British Medical Journal in 2013 a scientist named Malhorta reported that he seriously challenged the conventional view on saturated fats, and reviews how recent studies have failed to find any significant association between saturated fat and cardiovascular risk.
Remember, we have been taught that animal fats are the cause of high cholesterol and I have been telling you that cholesterol is not the real issue. According to Dr. Rath and many other doctors the real problems are free radical damage to the veins, arteries and capillaries and a weakening of the veins and arteries due to poor qualtiy nutrition.
In fact, Malhotra reports that two-thirds of people admitted to hospitals with acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) have completely normal cholesterol levels.
According to the Lancet Global Burden of Disease Reports, poor diets now contribute to more disease and death than physical activities — smoking and alcohol combined. When we don’t get the nutrients that are used by your body to protect the cells from free radicals in the cardiovascular system the tissue becomes weak and vulnerable, which may cause blockages to form.
Malhorta says, “I think the realization that what we can do in medicine is really quite limited, at the treatment end, and actually the whole ‘prevention concept is better than the cure’ phrase.” Remember, all drug test are directed at the treatment of symptoms, not the cure.
Diet and lifestyle changes are particularly important in light of the fact that medical errors and properly prescribed medications are the third most common cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Overmedication is a particularly serious problem among the elderly, who tend to suffer more side effects.
We were taught to believe that saturated fats caused blockages, but contrary to widespread belief, saturated fat wasn’t the problem. It was all the other harmful fats people were eating.
The heart disease epidemic peaked between 1960 and 1970. When we look at our data, it’s quite clear that the so-called fats responsible for that are trans fats and very likely polyunsaturated vegetable oils high in omega-6 fatty acids.
We know now that they oxidize LDL and are pro-inflammatory. The other issue was smoking. Smoking was very high. When smoking reduction occurred from regulatory efforts, heart attack admissions dropped very rapidly. That’s because just 30 minutes after smoking, platelet activity increases.
When you combine all those things, it’s very clear. The dietary factors — trans fats, refined polyunsaturated vegetable oils, and smoking — are probably the three most important factors.”
“What’s interesting is the saturated fat, even though it may raise LDL, your lipid profile may actually improve [when you eat more saturated fat], especially when you cut the carbs. On top of that, LDL has been grossly exaggerated as a risk factor for heart disease,
Another fact that the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry never points out is, when you get over the age of 60, the cardiovascular association between LDL cholesterol and cardiovascular mortality diminishes. It becomes almost negligible. For overall mortality, there is an inverse association with LDL. The higher your LDL, if you’re over 60, the less likely you are to die of heart attack or any other cause. Cholesterol, even the LDL is a necessary survival nutrient. LDL cholesterol actually prevents free radical damage in the circulatory system.
“What’s interesting is if you look in the United States, between 1961 and 2011, 90 percent of the calorie intake has been carbohydrates and refined industrial vegetable oils,” Malhotra says.
It is becoming more obvious all the time that the medical information you receive from the medical establishment and pharmaceutical industry is formulated to make sure you become more dependent on them and their patented drugs.
It’s time for Americans to decide. Are you going to do it man’s way using his concoctions or God’s way using His creations? The choice is yours.
Your friend in health,
Roy P. Williams